Friday, June 8, 2007


Face-recognition software recently began at Australia airports. Immigration and customs officials can now verify the identity of a passenger using face-recognition technology linked to a microchip on their newly launched ePassports. If the person on the passport doesn't match the face, the person would be denied entry onto the plane. This reminds me of the Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report," where he has to take out his eyeballs in order to get through security because eye scanners detect that he's a wanted person. I remember at the time thinking that was a really strange concept, but this technology isn't far off from the technology in the movie. As I think back on the movie, I seem to remember a scene where Cruise is walking through a shopping mall and all the stores' scanners are picking up his eyeballs and offering him products based on what he bought in the past. I can see this type of thing happening in the future as companies become more and more determined to keep their customers loyal. I don't know how profitable it would be to install these systems everywhere, but who knows, maybe someday.

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